Tower Watch
Camera placed below for exotic view
Pick a spot for your cameras that will do two things: Help you monitor for entry, plus also trigger the public curiosity
Let's face it: We live at a time where sharing live video footage is fun, whether it be from your cell or from a pseudo-security camera.
If you live in an area that triggers a lot of curiosity, you can charge people a fee to view your live stream. You could cash in big time here. Pun intended. is the new tiktok. Before you know it every one will be talking about your camera(s) and the captions you'll be showing to the world
Actually we don't have one. There is nothing to sell anyway as the service is free. Besides from the reasons listed on the site, people find numerous more reasons to share live camera footage. Try it out. Download the app
Pick a spot for your cameras that will do two things: Help you monitor for entry, plus also trigger the public curiosity
No matter where you are, you can place a camera and share
Kill two "birds" with one stone. Setup a car watch camera and live stream all at once